Ten years


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
....but we finally killed that SOB. :clap: Congrats to the armed forces.:yahoo:
Yes, for sure, congrats guys, job well done in spite of all the PC crap in DC.....

should have been over in 6 weeks.....

Osama Bin Laden, The filthy muslim pig is dead and now resides in HELL:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
I just watched a video tour of bin Laden's blood soaked bedroom. At the beginning you can clearly hear a distraught goat bleating. The SOB was getting regular sex to the end....

Now if we can give the same treatment to a certain douche-bag hacker!:hi:
I'm an A-1 conspiracy theorist so,
1) Not convinced that's actually him
2) If it is him, how do we know that just happened?
Personally, I think he's been dead for years. Either that or in our custody this whole time. Lots of stuff could be going on here.
I'm an A-1 conspiracy theorist so,
1) Not convinced that's actually him
2) If it is him, how do we know that just happened?
Personally, I think he's been dead for years. Either that or in our custody this whole time. Lots of stuff could be going on here.
Me being sceptical by nature, I'd add it's so convenient he's dead.
He would have explained how he's been financed and helped by the western country and all the dark bits of hidden history.
I guess it's a vengefull relief for American people, but History will keep on running his legacy, an History he's already been out for a while.
And the next thing that's going to happen- the current resident of the white house, along with the media, is going to be reminding us on a really frequent basis that the current administration is 100% responsible for killing his rag-head azz. Not that it was started when the last guys' daddy lived there, followed by the last guy and the one before him.
Remember- the bozo in there now got there by telling us he was going to get US troops OUT of Iraq and Afganistan- among other things.

:beer: To the SEALS that got him!!:beer::thankyou:

And if you think about it, the media has said osama died in a gunfight. What kind of a buffon does it take to get into a gunfight with a SEAL TEAM? The short answer is the kind that wants to be dead.
It would have been nice to find out that he really was living like an animal in a cave for 10 years. According to news sources he was was living 'High on the Hog' and 'Hiding in Plain Sight'.

However, it's good to see that we didn't just give up looking for him. When the current regime started the whole "waterboarding is mean to these poor people", I thought we had turned into pussy's for good.
I'm an A-1 conspiracy theorist so,
1) Not convinced that's actually him
2) If it is him, how do we know that just happened?
Personally, I think he's been dead for years. Either that or in our custody this whole time. Lots of stuff could be going on here.

:withstupid:I am with you and don't really believe the whole story, but I am one of those crazy people.
The pic of a dead osama that's floating around the intenet is fake, it's photoshop and been around for at least 5 years.

I want to see some real pics.

What disturbs me a lot of the media here whining about whether he got a muslim burial and if dumping him in the sea complies with that (media = leftist scum here), ho gives a F about that, did all those people in the planes, the wtc and the pentagon get a respectable funeral? A lot of them were reduced to ash or snippets.

If they got him (still a little sceptic here) he got off way too easy. They should have put him in the middle of ground zero and stoned him to death.
Pour him into the foundation base.....after a trip through a chipper with left over pig guts/bones....


that way when the make a pilgrimage, they ask, where is osama, and we reply.....

he is EVERYWHERE!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I wonder how much of this news would have been released at all or how different the news would be, if we didn't leave the evidence of a US helicopter behind.
And the next thing that's going to happen- the current resident of the white house, along with the media, is going to be reminding us on a really frequent basis that the current administration is 100% responsible for killing his rag-head azz. Not that it was started when the last guys' daddy lived there, followed by the last guy and the one before him.
Remember- the bozo in there now got there by telling us he was going to get US troops OUT of Iraq and Afganistan- among other things.

:beer: To the SEALS that got him!!:beer::thankyou:

And if you think about it, the media has said osama died in a gunfight. What kind of a buffon does it take to get into a gunfight with a SEAL TEAM? The short answer is the kind that wants to be dead.
And you can bet that by this time next year Chairman Obama is going to be promising all his leftist supporters that we're pulling out of Afghanistan now that OBL is dead. He was the mission after all, right? Which is exactly how we put him there to begin with.

The pic of a dead osame that's floating around the intenet is fake, it's photoshop and been around for at least 5 years.

I want to see some real pics.

What disturbs me a lot of the media here whining about whether he got a muslim burial and if dumping him in the sea complies with that (media = leftist scum here), ho gives a F about that, did all those people in the planes, the wtc and the pentagon get a respectable funeral? A lot of them were reduced to ash or snippets.

If they got him (still a little sceptic here) he got off way too easy. They should have put him in the middle of ground zero and stoned him to death.

Looks pretty fake to me too. Notice the position of the mouth is EXACTLY the same as one of those pics from one of his many tirades.
If I were president when this happened, I'd do everything I could to disgrace his body. I'd have his ass sit out for at least a week so he could be documented and tested. When we were finally done with him, I'd bury his ass face down, away from Mecca, with a dead pig. Then I'd tell the raghead world I'll kill any fucker that wants to make anything of it.
But that's just me.

The supposely new proof pic w the nightvision green is fake too


the original


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