As every day passes i become more of a fan of President Obama. He is getting it done. That is undeniable.
Actually, the CIA/military succeded in spite of Obama. He basically just said yes or no, plan 1 or plan 2. He didn't really have much of a choice, and it is currently being reported that he had this information as far back as last August. Why the wait?
He apparently did make the decision to send in the troops, but ALL of the preliminary work was started many years ago under Bush, and programs were threatened to be canceled or defunded by Obama, untill he was faced by the reality of the real world.
And as far as kissing foreign ass and apoligizing for America's "wrong doings"? No contest, the anointed one is way, way out in front.
I am happy that he has changed his stance on almost every aspect of the war on terrorism.
Campaign promises:
Close Guantonamo Bay-No
Try terrorist humanly is civilian courts in the US-No
End the war in Iraq-No
Bring peace-No, ramped up the war in Afganistan
Bring love and understanding to the world-No. He did succed in pissing off alot of our allies and out and out screwing a few (Poles, Czechs, etc.)
PS I saw Donald Rumsfeld on the tv, and he said that there were only 3 terrorist waterboarded. 3 total!! And this was done by the CIA in a eastern European prison before they were transfered to Cuba. And, 1 of them was the first to mention the name of the currier that eventually led us to obl!