Ten years

And this is why a car forum should not have an off-topic political section...
They managed to cover a missile going thru a 747 in 1997 so covering that would be no big deal for them.
and even worse...
I voted for Palin, she just happened to be on the wrong end of the ticket




I have to admit, on occasion she looks smoking hot....



And this is why a car forum should not have an off-topic political section...
They managed to cover a missile going thru a 747 in 1997 so covering that would be no big deal for them.
and even worse...
I voted for Palin, she just happened to be on the wrong end of the ticket




I have to admit, on occasion she looks smoking hot....




Lets fly you and her out to two very separate sections of the same woods, with a 12 ga and equally difficult terrain to get back to town.....

see who wins.....

I bet on Barbie.....

Sorry Gene, Tina Fey has more brains than Sarah Palin.:)

What, no arguement on why they used the wrong caliber round?:smash:

It never ceases to amaze me how these threads evolve.:lol:
My bleedin' heart liberal contacts in the government have sent me pictures of the top secret helicopter they have used
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...I didn't vote for him. I voted for Palin...
Dude, are you serious???
Do you seriously doubt that on her worst day she wound at least be Obozo's equal?
And this is why a car forum should not have an off-topic political section...
They managed to cover a missile going thru a 747 in 1997 so covering that would be no big deal for them.
and even worse...
I voted for Palin, she just happened to be on the wrong end of the ticket

Way to just believe whatever the media and Dems tell you. Soylent Green is people.

Sorry Gene, Tina Fey has more brains than Sarah Palin.:)

What, no arguement on why they used the wrong caliber round?:smash:

It never ceases to amaze me how these threads evolve.:lol:
Possible. But I know a lot of bright people I don't want running my country. Take the Chairman. Everybody keeps telling us he's a genius, but you couldn't prove it by anything he's done.
Here is a prime example of the "truth" from your "non-liberal" media
Here is a prime example of the "truth" from your "non-liberal" media

NOTE they are quoting/attributing it to a PAKI paper.....engineered disinformation....but they printed it anyway....

it's NOT like a FOX reporter was there attending the funeral......:flash::harhar:
I'm glad Bin Laden is dead. Unfortunately he succeeded in kicking our economy in the nuts before we got him.

I don't care for our current or past president or any of the ones in recent history. They're all politicians. They all lie. They're all crooks (some don't get caught). Smart or stupid, they're politicians and they care about getting elected -- your success or failure, happiness or misery means jack.

Regardless of your leaning, left or right, please explain to me how we can have a war, no, two wars and they don't cost us anything. Actually, they cost several thousand of our young men and women their lives. I mean, do we have rationing? War Bonds? Victory Gardens? Anything?

On September 12, 2001 I would have been happy to pay an extra 10% or more in taxes to get a kick-ass war going. Instead, I got a rebate check for $600 and was told to go shopping. I'm a registered Republican but that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

The tax rate we pay now has been in effect for ten years. If they are the key to more jobs, it sure don't look like it to me. I'm retired with no mortgage or car payments or debt. I have a pension and nest-egg, collect Social Security and have Medicare coverage so I'm not going nuts. If you're under 55 and you're happy with a Humana voucher at the same time Donald Trump's taxes drop to 25% so he can tell you "You're Fired," bless you. My doctor takes Medicare but not Humana or similar plans. When you get your voucher, you just might be driving 80 miles to the plan's nearest doctor, Cho Ling or his partner Ashlakelle Patel.

The two options on the table both stink. The only option that would help us screws the politicians and their buddies so bad it will never see the light of day.
Bob H. you and me pretty much on the same page, from what I understand...

hang in there man....fan's running the shit pile is high, no doubt....

As every day passes i become more of a fan of President Obama. He is getting it done. That is undeniable.

getting what done? you make it sound as if he flew the helicopter or shot OBL in the head, the only thing (your hero) fraudbama did was to sink the US further in debt...what he did to kill OBL was to take what Bush put in place and claim victory for it.
what he did to kill OBL was to take what Bush put in place and claim victory for it.

Are you frigging kidding me?
President Obama (yes, that's his title) was left with two(2) yes TWO wars by his predecessor...
one looking for WMD's that never were.....

I like too many of you to keep up this thread so I'll see you guys elsewhere on the forum.

I'm out too Clutch, voluntarily removing myself...........
I'll leave you guys with the following..............

ANALYSIS: Bush’s Lackluster Hunt For Bin Laden

Politico reports that supporters of George W. Bush are “irked” that the former president isn’t getting more credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden, despite the droves of conservatives lawmakers and pundits who have been rushing to give Bush equal credit as Obama.

But this praise for Bush relies on rewriting history to obscure the fact Obama re-prioritized the hunt for Bin Laden after Bush had largely abandoned the effort to focus on Iraq.

While many conservatives are triumphantly replaying Bush’s September 2001 declaration that he would find Bin Laden, just months later, by Bush’s own account, he was unconcerned about the terrorist mastermind. Asked about the hunt for Bin Laden at a March, 2002 press conference, Bush said, “I truly am not that concerned about him. I am deeply concerned about Iraq.” “I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you,” Bush added.

By 2006, the trail for Bin Laden had gone “stone cold” and Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes said Bush told him that hunting Bin Laden was “not a top priority use of American resources.” (Indeed, there was a flailing war in Iraq to fight.)

That year, it was revealed that the administration had shuttered the CIA’s Bin Laden unit in late 2005. As the New York Times reported at the time, the move reflected a shift in resources to Iraq:

In recent years, the war in Iraq has stretched the resources of the intelligence agencies and the Pentagon, generating new priorities for American officials. For instance, much of the military’s counter terrorism units, like the Army’s Delta Force, had been redirected from the hunt for Mr. bin Laden to the search for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was killed last month in Iraq.

But Bush’s biggest misstep in the Bin Laden hunt occurred years before, in the early days of the war in Afghanistan. As a 2009 Senate Foreign Relations Committee report found, the Bush administration blew a critical opportunity to capture Bin Laden in 2001. Bin Laden was wounded and on the run, but top Bush national security officials rejected repeated pleas for reinforcements from commanders and intelligence officials fighting the terrorist leader in the caves of Tora Bora, despite the availability of resources:

Fewer than 100 American commandos were on the scene with their Afghan allies and calls for reinforcements to launch an assault were rejected. Requests were also turned down for U.S. troops to block the mountain paths leading to sanctuary a few miles away in Pakistan. The vast array of American military power, from sniper teams to the most mobile divisions of the Marine Corps and the Army, was kept on the sidelines. Instead, the U.S. command chose to rely on airstrikes and untrained Afghan militias. [...]

Even when his own commanders and senior intelligence officials in Afghanistan and Washington argued for dispatching more U.S. troops, [Commanding Gen. Tommy] Franks refused to deviate from the plan.

The report “removes any lingering doubts and makes it clear that Osama bin Laden was within our grasp at Tora Bora,” but that decisions made by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, his deputies, and other top administration officials allowed Bin Laden to escape.

The consequence of this missed opportunity are tremendous. As Lt. Col. Reid Sawyer, the director of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, told NPR yesterday, “if bin Laden had been killed in Afghanistan eight years ago in the caves of Tora Bora, al-Qaida might well have died with him. Now the organization is diversified enough it could weather bin Laden’s death — and hardly miss a beat.”

Moreover, as Rumsfeld himself acknowledged, Bush’s extra-legal torture and rendition policies did not help capture Bin Laden. Enhanced interrogation techniques did not work. Bush ordered one final push to capture Bin laden shortly before he left office, but this effort too was unsuccessful.

If you're still not convinced:



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Your video does not really support your Politico report. Bush does not say anything about giving up on Bin Laden. He says that Bin Laden has been "marginalized" and is on the run, all true. Also says that he is focused on the war effort, I think that was a good idea.

Also, check out some history before 9/11. Bin Laden had claimed credit for lot's of other terrorist activities during the Clinton years. Clinton did nothing. And, before 9/11, said he was going to do something even worse. So, again, it's Bush's fault?

Check on the Rumsfeld reference. He never said that, somebody else said he did. He said the opposite (enhanced interrogation was an effective method). I'n my book, waterboarding is not torture. What the 3 terrorist that were waterboarded have done to innocent people is 1,000,000 times worse that getting water in your nose.


Now that's some funny shit!:harhar:

"So Obama takes out Osama and We get the 72 versions"

Klinton/Panetta did it....


Urkel had nothing to do with it.....in fact look at that pix....WTF is Nobam doing in a gold jacket?? when everyone else is just shirtsleeves..??
they got him at the last second, off the golf course, and he looks more pissed than concerned....

he is a discount president, what can you expect from Chicago??

try some other guys who actually know a few things....West, Trump, and that new guy can't think of his name...on the debates the other day, that I did not watch...seems to have a decent head on HIS shoulders....black guy owns some Pizza company....

My bleedin' heart liberal contacts in the government have sent me pictures of the top secret helicopter they have used

Wasn't a comanche, it was probably a stealthisized (is that a word LOL) blackhawk. it had an external rear tail rotor w/ some kind of disc on it, the top rotor had that disc too and a angular shaped engine cowling. Also, a comanche is pretty useless for carrying a seal team.

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