Anybody at any time for any situation can come up with a specific item to use as an excuse to dismiss an entire set of behaviors by another group.
I have zoomed through school zones at 50 MPH and gotten away with it. Does that mean I should & could ignore all school zones from now on? I have also been pulled over & ticketed for reasons that both the officer & I knew to be patently fraudulent. Does that mean every policeman is crooked? Of course not. Gene is obviously insane

and he lives in Florida. Does that mean everyone who lives in Florida is insane? (well maybe that's not a good example...)
There is a bigger more universal cause at stake here. Individual infractions (which includes hundreds or even thousands of infractions out of millions of conscientious & correct actions) will always occur.
You want to cut off your nose to spite your face? It is a larger change, a change in the societal way of thinking & behaving which needs to happen. Unfortunately, when you put a group of huge egos who stand to reap great wealth in charge of the very things they can get rich from, these problems arise.
If you put the foxes in charge of guarding the henhouse, they will act properly for a while. But after the chickens get used to thier presence, the foxes will begin taking the plumpest in the dark of night. When the foxes become too brazen and the chickens finally realize what is going on, they may revolt, but their revolution will be in directed in the wrong way because they are stupid fucking chickens. They will peck each others eyes out & destroy each other in an orgy of casting blame upon those they do not like or agree with. Meanwhile the foxes just sit back and watch, laughing, and as the dust and the feathers fly they will jump in unnoticed and take the juiciest ones, as well as the smarter ones who are tryng to show the stupid chickens the place where their rage should be directed.
That's what we have going on now, a chicken revolt spurred on by the foxes, and the foxes are sitting in a circle watching & grinning. After the feathers settle to the earth and the blood dries in the dust, the chickens will come to find that they have even less than they did before, and the foxes have become even more powerful and arrogant yet.
The chickens need to quit pecking each others eyes out and go after the foxes eyes in a concerted effort. Many chickens will die but it is the only way to stop the foxes. Too bad we have become a society of chickens. It's easier to peck other chickens eyes out than to attack a fox.
Oh gosh I have to go now--American Idol is on & it's like my most favorite show!!
cluck cluck y'all