UAW wages to blame?

OK - Let's say you are the policy maker for GM/Chrysler/Ford.

How do you fix the ship you are in? Is it worth salvaging or is it better business to let it sink and invest in a sturdier craft? And let's not forget your "crew", what are they to do?
OK - Let's say you are the policy maker for GM/Chrysler/Ford.

How do you fix the ship you are in? Is it worth salvaging or is it better business to let it sink and invest in a sturdier craft? And let's not forget your "crew", what are they to do?

Hire a nuclear physicist to figger it they did for Wall street....

that fellow.....Neal Cash-Carry......that bald/shaved headed sinister/devilish looking guy they got for the 700 Billion bailout that's not working too well....

given the options I have seen I take option Z bottom of the list....

NONE OF THE ABOVE.......shit hurts, and it also happens....:bomb::crap:

bunch of fucking idiots running the show.....the whole God danm trainload from top to bottom needs FIRED as in yesterday....

the next band of fucking idiots could not do much worse......

the next guy here Nobam..he don't stand a snowball chance in hell of it going well for him,

Decades of complete abject and total lack of social, financial, trade, you name it IRRESPONSIBILITY on every part from Congress on down the list, to also include Wall street is nothing less than treason, for which the whole damn lot needs taken out back of the sewage plant and shot.....

that way the rotting bodies will not be noticed, as it's a shit pile anyway....

Gene - I can't say I disagree with you. There has been a lot of this asleep at the wheel shit going on for way too long. Bush can't wait for Jan. 20th as he wants to exit this mess quick fast and in a hurry, he has been a dumb ass chuckle head since day 1 in office.
Obama has a plate of shit being handed to him and it certainly is an impressive one at that. Given the severity of the situation I would be surprised if Obama can get us straightened out in 4 years.
Our economy is crumbling, our financial security and livelihoods are at serious risk, we need to take action. Hopefully our new leader has what it takes to get us back on track, the old one seemed hell bent on derailing us.
The next few months, possibly the next several years, are going to be VERY interesting times.
5:00 - time to watch the news unfold....

OK - Let's say you are the policy maker for GM/Chrysler/Ford.:

And pay him $150k A YEAR to do it. WHO in their right mind is going to take that job? How are you going to find someone who could actually do it.

Think about it....

Are you leaving a job that already pays $10MM to take on this sinking ship for $150K?

There are flaws all over the liberal argument as some have made here. Limit pay to $150K, yeah, that will wrok.

See how executives get paid what they do?

Here's the offer:

Leave your multi million dollar job

Take on this sinking ship and do it for $150K.

Oh, and if the ship finishes sinking, we're blaming you.

Yeah, that will happen.
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this entire issue is simple economics....greed + greed = failure....greed of labor unions + greed of management + a poor product = failure

really quite simple the labor unions have cooked their own goose and i really could care less...i think they should go into chapter 11 and get a dose of what reality really means......i believe in a market economy and there needs to be incentive to be smarter then the other guy....
this entire issue is simple economics....greed + greed = failure....greed of labor unions + greed of management + a poor product = failure

really quite simple the labor unions have cooked their own goose and i really could care less...i think they should go into chapter 11 and get a dose of what reality really means......i believe in a market economy and there needs to be incentive to be smarter then the other guy....

I completely agree. But the scale and scope of the greed from the unions is FAR more than anything the management did.

Managment costs is like .40 a car

Unions is $3000 a car.

Although true that its' the same, it's not equal. The scale of the union greed in absolute dollars is staggering compared to all management salary and perks.
It was just reported that the unions raised $400 MILLION for the dems in the last I ask you who do you think the dems work for?? you and me or the unions? this is just the first of many bailouts for the UAW....errrr I mean GM.
WELL, actually we COULD find someone to do it....easy....

just slash all the other salaries, starting with

LAWYERS, CPA's, investment 'counselors', BANKERS, agents, LAWYERS, influence peddlers, Mafia types, loan sharks, LAWYERS....

and cut the budget supporting illegals....

It was just reported that the unions raised $400 MILLION for the dems in the last I ask you who do you think the dems work for?? you and me or the unions? this is just the first of many bailouts for the UAW....errrr I mean GM.

Any coincidence that the dems are pushing for the bailout?
It was just reported that the unions raised $400 MILLION for the dems in the last I ask you who do you think the dems work for?? you and me or the unions? this is just the first of many bailouts for the UAW....errrr I mean GM.

Bingo! This debate is really a moot point.

Look at how the UAW contributed in the 2008 elections:

Democratic Party - $1,889,265 (99%)
Republican Party - $10,250 (1%)

I don't think the car companies will be formulating any re-organization plans that include union concessions to present to congress!
politicians are LAWYER whores.......its what can you do for me next.....that matters

There, fixed it 4 U.....

I have stated before, and continue to think that ALL lawyers, as occifers of the courts, can NOT hold ANY public office, including judges, under conflict of interest laws....they MAY serve as UNPAID consultants for drafting legislation, that is ALL......

Job banks...$77 an hour for not working. 12.000 of them. By my math that's $924,000 per hour, or $1,848,000,000 a year. Those dam executives and their pay is the problem.
The UAW’s controversial job bank program has been widely floated as a possible concession, and apparently Gettelfinger wants folks to know that GM isn’t paying his union brothers $77/hr to do nothing. “It’s not gone yet but it’s almost gone,” Gettelfinger tells the Detroit News. “We’re on the verge of eliminating that provision.”
"The jobs bank has become a sound bite that people use to beat us up," Gettelfinger said at a news conference in Detroit.WAYNE -- Ken Pool is making good money. On weekdays, he shows up at 7 a.m. at Ford Motor Co.'s Michigan Truck Plant in Wayne, signs in, and then starts working -- on a crossword puzzle. Pool hates the monotony, but the pay is good: more than $31 an hour, plus benefits.

"We just go in and play crossword puzzles, watch videos that someone brings in or read the newspaper," he says. "Otherwise, I've just sat."
WAYNE -- Ken Pool is making good money. On weekdays, he shows up at 7 a.m. at Ford Motor Co.'s Michigan Truck Plant in Wayne, signs in, and then starts working -- on a crossword puzzle. Pool hates the monotony, but the pay is good: more than $31 an hour, plus benefits.

"We just go in and play crossword puzzles, watch videos that someone brings in or read the newspaper," he says. "Otherwise, I've just sat."

But paying employees not to work is a concept that is foreign to most outside of Michigan's automotive corridors.

How many more do you want?
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Okay, I am not in that sort of job bank. I can see how it got started though.

Like any rule with good intent, people look for the loophole and abuse it. Kinda like 7 corporate jets.

Union labor has been giving concessions for years, while management salaries have been going thru the roof.

How do you explain FORD not needing any money, while they use the same workers?:goodevil:
Okay, I am not in that sort of job bank. I can see how it got started though.

Like any rule with good intent, people look for the loophole and abuse it. Kinda like 7 corporate jets.

Union labor has been giving concessions for years, while management salaries have been going thru the roof.

How do you explain FORD not needing any money, while they use the same workers?:goodevil:

See another thread about that one....I think it's here....

FORD family still controls FMC.....Ch/GM are not owned by any particular family I know of NOW....

used to be, decades ago...

Okay, I am not in that sort of job bank. I can see how it got started though.

Like any rule with good intent, people look for the loophole and abuse it. Kinda like 7 corporate jets.

Union labor has been giving concessions for years, while management salaries have been going thru the roof.

How do you explain FORD not needing any money, while they use the same workers?:goodevil:

OK, what's bigger? 7 corporate jets or $1,848,000,000?

Who said Ford is doing great? They are only a few minutes behind. They aren't exactly thriving.