Vacume pump again.

I'm very interested in seeing how this works out. With my itb setup, i have some problems finding a good source for vacuum for all of the accesoires and the PCV. I could plumb the underside of the manifold with all kinds of tubes (IAC, PCV, vacuum) but it would get really crowded in there. So a good pump system that won't kill your wallet would be ideal.

I am finding in use, the Ford pump I have on there with a 5" dia pulley off a junkyard Caddy, will suck to ten inches really easy if the engine is cold at around 2500 rpm or so, it hits 5" of vacuum easy at idle...BUT when engine is fully warmed up, and sump hits about 200f temps (guess) that suction goes down to ~2" at idle and maybe a max running of 7-8" at 2500 rpm....

so it's way down in performance....not enough to run any accessories with I would not think, as engine vac is allmost allways over 12 anyway up to 20 at most....huge energy loss there, doubtful the lights/doors/whatever would work....

but for what I want, I doubt the system is worth the effort, the site above says only 10-15 hp that's down considerable from first estimates at 35 hp....

I only have some 15-20 bux invested in this fiasco now, so am thinking of calling it quits....interestig topic though....but for drag use only 15-20 hp at 7000 rpm or so is not what I am capable of doing....

Just curious. I was out roaming a junkyard today (after a hard week in Smithville, for the K.C. guys) when I stopped to look at a junk '85 Cadillac Seville. It had an engine driven vacuum pump (no diesel, looked like a 4.1 liter gas engine). I've been trying to figure out a use for a pump like that. Don't have any idea about the pumping (volume) ability of that pump though. Might just consider pulling it and doing some experimentation.
Try it out and give us the results :D

If you are interested there is a car show on the Kearney square this sunday.
Just curious. I was out roaming a junkyard today (after a hard week in Smithville, for the K.C. guys) when I stopped to look at a junk '85 Cadillac Seville. It had an engine driven vacuum pump (no diesel, looked like a 4.1 liter gas engine). I've been trying to figure out a use for a pump like that. Don't have any idea about the pumping (volume) ability of that pump though. Might just consider pulling it and doing some experimentation.

I had an 81 Seville with that same pump. It was used for assisting the engine at low RPM's for power brake vacuum.I think that is one of the parts I also had to replace.
Try it out and give us the results :D

If you are interested there is a car show on the Kearney square this sunday.

Crap! I was in the Smithville/Kearney area last weekend (and now in South Dakota this weekend visiting family). One week too early, I guess. Maybe next trip I'll PM you first and try to schedule my trip to coincide with some events. I appreciate the info, though.

Crap! I was in the Smithville/Kearney area last weekend (and now in South Dakota this weekend visiting family). One week too early, I guess. Maybe next trip I'll PM you first and try to schedule my trip to coincide with some events. I appreciate the info, though.


No problem,i have a few calenders with events,when you get back in town send me a pm and i will give you my cell# and maybe we can meet up at a show or 2.