Vinyl or leather Door panels??

With the quality of today's leather I would go with vinyl.

Considering that my convertibles have had all vinyl for years now, only exceptioin was the Caddy interior on the Grandville years ago....

I would go vinyl....
Well if I am right, most people don't see or feel the difference :). It looks like vinyl is the direction to go, unless I find a good bargin on e-Bay in near future. Do you guys know where to buy ... to get the best offer (S/H included to NJ)?

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here is leatherlike but C4 seats ... sure the door panels are the same stuff. ... After that cow disease stuff is when leather took a massive quality dive. Most now I believe comes from mexico and is nowhere near the quality of leather from here is the early 90's. It is thin by comparison and they dyes they use bleach out early on just like carpet these days. That is the reason I chose leatherlike for my 90 vette & my 9 y/o will be in it alot and he can trash a steel ball so leather wouldn't stand a chance against him.

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If you want a leather look material , a leather feel material, without the drawbacks of leather, then look at UltraLeather. There are copies of UltraLeather but they are not the same, similar but not the same.
UltraLeather breathes better than real leather and is easy to maintain like vinyl.
This fabric is used in private jets, yachts,million dollar motor homes,etc, so you know it must fool most people,LOL.

It isn't cheap, but it isn't to bad either. sometimes there are closeouts at for $25 a yard @ 54" wide. Otherwise plan on $60-80 a yard@54 wide.