dulpicolor paint shop products- 1964 Bee line Camper made in Elkhardt


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
arlington va
this is the premixed Lacquer qt containers for $25 that you can buy at the local auto parts stores. has any body used this system? they sell primer, base coat and a clear coat.

my son brought over his 1964 Beeline camper that we are refurbishing (i know Gene is getting all excited on this one) and i am thinking of using this product to spray it. seems like i wont have much waste with it and since the side surfaces are pretty much flat and straight up and down i like the idea of having an easy sanding soloution for runs. i expect that if we get 3-5 yrs of life out of the paint job and refurbishment it will meet his needs....and yes those 8' doors i put in the garage came in handy when trying to get this thing inside.....thks bob
heheh....seems I hit a significant snag on the Clamper/motor home....in spite of it being a rather lightweight for a motor home with a GVW of only 8k lbs....

so it seems it still needs LT rated ten ply tires on the rear, I even called Radial Tire Co. up there in DC/Silver Spring I used to buy tires there exclusively....
they said same thing....shit, so I have problem now....

NEW....about 850 bux worth.....

maybe I can find some decent used rubber for it.....

doing some leg work on that.....trick IS, rubber on these things tend to just dry rot from sitting long time....sunlight etc....

I have 4 good Jeep tires but they are P metric Passenger tires, well within weight ratings, but supposedly unsafe because of the height of the vehicle and cornering loading....been doing some reading up....

much less the fronts I have been suspicious of for some time now....

i have seen these Duplicolor cans, 25 a qt isn't bad but how much do you need ??
keep in mind that the restauration shop products at tcpglobal.com are very inexpensive, the 1 gallon basecoat and clearcoat "kit" is just over $200, with shipping and two QTs primer you should still be under $300 and you have urethane clear and not laquer, urethane can be wetsanded and polished/buffed, laquer as far as know can not be wetsanded.

for a camper i would think you need a gallon base and a gallon clear to get good coverage and at least two coats clear.
the restauration shop products at tcpglobal.com are very inexpensive, the 1 gallon basecoat and clearcoat "kit" is just over $200, with shipping and two QTs primer you should still be under $300 and you have urethane clear and not laquer, urethane can be wetsanded and polished/buffed, laquer as far as know can not be wetsanded.


thks i will look at that website, i have wet sanded lacquer many times with no issues maybe theres different types of lacquer, i am figuring the top of the camper will get rustoleum gloss white from a roller...so basically 6' sides x 12' so figure 6x12x4= 288 sq ft less windows. red bottom/white top. i was figuring that 2 qts for each would be real close since the windows are all in the top half. i have sprayed both types of paint before e and i just dont want to spray the 2 stage stuff that will kill me...i will look and get back. thks bob
.......... i am figuring the top of the camper will get rustoleum gloss white from a roller...

They make a paint that's perfect for MH roofs. Home Depot, $75 for 5 gallons. Elastometic? (sp) White rubbery roof coating. Cuts temps big time. Very forgiving, and perfect for RV roofs.
.......... i am figuring the top of the camper will get rustoleum gloss white from a roller...

They make a paint that's perfect for MH roofs. Home Depot, $75 for 5 gallons. Elastometic? (sp) White rubbery roof coating. Cuts temps big time. Very forgiving, and perfect for RV roofs.

do you have a product name? this roof is maybe 7'x13' I bet 1 gallon would cover it unless it was 1/4" thick.
.......... i am figuring the top of the camper will get rustoleum gloss white from a roller...

They make a paint that's perfect for MH roofs. Home Depot, $75 for 5 gallons. Elastometic? (sp) White rubbery roof coating. Cuts temps big time. Very forgiving, and perfect for RV roofs.

do you have a product name? this roof is maybe 7'x13' I bet 1 gallon would cover it unless it was 1/4" thick.

Jeff/Bird is correct I have used it on my house shingles cuts my attic temp by over 40f.....and I had lightest gray shingles available.....I used white exterior paint on the Clamper before ever knowing of this roof paint, I have some left over, so....hummmmm......

guess what??

here it's Lanco brand for 64 bux/5 gallons.....I guess you got the Ca. upcharge there Jeff......:lol::hissyfit:

OH, here in Florida we get a thing called MINT magazine in the mail....in there are coupons for 20 bux off 100 buck purchase from ACE HARDWARE.....
so two buckets and 20 bux off.....not so shabby as HD will honor their competitors coupons.....tip of the top hat here .....

Used the lanco coating on my patio roof, seems to be good stuff :thumbs:

they sell it in smaller containers also but it's like $20 for the gallon and $60 for 5 gallons .... three gallons bought seperately are as much as the 5 gallon bucket....

Home Depot also accepts the 10% off coupon from Lowes (that movers coupon you get at the post office).

2 stage stuff that will kill you ????? I would think that any paint (laquer or urethane) can kill you if you spray it without proper mask
the TCP global site was impresssive any body use their brand of HVLP spray guns?

i seem to recall their is some two stage paint that has hardeners etc that get mixed with that are super posionious and need a powered filtered air supply mask system. thats what i was talking about calling it a two stage paint and I dont want to use.

i need to pick the type of paint, is there any type of the base coat clear coat that is either easier to use then the other? this is not for show jsut something that will look good for a couple of years. we figure the camper may have a 5 yr life to it, then its usefulness will have been used up.

i have sprayed the acrylic enamel before and the lacquer, how friendly is the urethane base coat to sanding and respraying if i have to fix spots?
the TCP global site was impresssive any body use their brand of HVLP spray guns?

i seem to recall their is some two stage paint that has hardeners etc that get mixed with that are super posionious and need a powered filtered air supply mask system. thats what i was talking about calling it a two stage paint and I dont want to use.

Most 2 part paint have isocyanides in the hardeners and the best way to spray them is with a fresh air supplied mask, you can get filters for spraying them as well but they aren't recomended by most (check out Autopbodyforum.com)
.......... i am figuring the top of the camper will get rustoleum gloss white from a roller...

They make a paint that's perfect for MH roofs. Home Depot, $75 for 5 gallons. Elastometic? (sp) White rubbery roof coating. Cuts temps big time. Very forgiving, and perfect for RV roofs.

do you have a product name? this roof is maybe 7'x13' I bet 1 gallon would cover it unless it was 1/4" thick.

Camping World has it. Lowes and Home Depot too. Look around the roofing supplies Bob.
the TCP global site was impresssive any body use their brand of HVLP spray guns?

I bought my DeVilbiss Finishline gun from TCP, not bad for the price...

i need to pick the type of paint, is there any type of the base coat clear coat that is either easier to use then the other? this is not for show jsut something that will look good for a couple of years. we figure the camper may have a 5 yr life to it, then its usefulness will have been used up.

i have sprayed the acrylic enamel before and the lacquer, how friendly is the urethane base coat to sanding and respraying if i have to fix spots?

I have never owned a paint gun and except for some rattle can work I've never painted.... then I used base/clear (urethane) and a HVLP gun... turned out pretty good for a first time paint job ... (that's my '79)...

the base is pretty much dummy proof.... goes on dull and dry, needs 2-4 coats with 10 min flash time in between (depending on the color and the color of the primer). the clear is just as easy... if you get a run just let it dry, take a razor blade to it, sand it with 1000 grit , 1500 grit and hit it with a buffer and cutting compound.... won't be able to tell there was a repair....

I'm not using a air supply mask but I did spend the money on a 3M dual cartridge mask and I do change the filters often..... I also paint outside, not in a closed garage.....
thks guys, does the urethane base coat have the isocyanides in it?

in case you are dying to know what it looks like.....

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i think i have come full circle back to the duplicolor lacquer with a clear coat...its available locally with no shipping, i can buy it in qts to minimize left over, no hardener so no isocyanides. and i can use the duplicolor spray can self etching primer on spots that have worn down to the aluminum and then prime over them.... we really are looking for something that is just one step above rolling it with rustoleum....i am still contemplating it though so all suggestions are welcome. thks bob
Did you see the single stage urethane and the acrylic laquer on the restauration shop website ?? If you pick one of their 144 pre mixed colors you get the laquer for $100 (gallon laquer and thinner), the single stage urethane is also $100 but takes a hardener (included) ... both of these don't require clearcoat so for $100 you can spray that camper :smash:
thks guys, does the urethane base coat have the isocyanides in it?

in case you are dying to know what it looks like.....


That thing looks just like my Clamper project here, set it on a motor home chassis and ready to go....

how is the inside? '64 been stored indoors all those years?? mine is a '71 and sat outside most of it's life, but had a glass front/top/rear all one piece construction, so it is fine, no leaks once I got the old a/c off the roof, and put on the side out a hatch with a old RAC for 20 bux....I had to rebuild the entire interior...all rotted to hell...
Karsten thks i will go back and run some numbers i did like the TCP HVLP gun kit....

Gene the inside was complete but had totally delaminated so it was trash...we will recreate something similar with 3/8 plywood and Luan
Karsten thks i will go back and run some numbers i did like the TCP HVLP gun kit....

Gene the inside was complete but had totally delaminated so it was trash...we will recreate something similar with 3/8 plywood and Luan

Someone had done that same thing with this one over the decades, and it was gone again....they never fixed the windows and top hatches, much less ditch that roof mount a/c......the floor framing was gone as was all the wood in the rear, and most of the walls down bottom, and many of the ceiling rafters also....it was a mess.....only thing I salvaged from it was the cabinet fronts tossed all the MDF they made of and made it all over again with PT 3/4 ply on the flooring 2x4 framing under it....neighbor got me some styrofoam to use on the flooring, still fighting the tire shituation....just NOT doing 850 bux for new tires all the way around on this, just to let it set in a field for ten years till they rot.....NFW.....

yeah those tires are going to make you have to do some research...i wonder if they are the same size as a UPS truck so there is a commercial angle to them that may be cheaper?