Hey Red

Posted by Lethalassault:

These other guys prob had what was coming to them!

You read that Red? You had it comming, lethalassault says so. Damn straight, you deserve to be robbed out of 750$ so please stop whining about it. Dboy is holy, you are scum!

I reported that post and said…”these other guys…like red69 who got scammed by db and is in moderation for it.” All it got me was moderation…:D

Well, They are consistent.:rofl:
There was one member asking DB to post his side of the story. Well... here are 40+ pages of both sides of the story:


Jeezus H, KEERIST!!! I read damn nearly al 45 pages of that shit....

been going on for a while there, no one ever told ME, I got left outta the laughter.....oh well.....now I understand some of the missed humor here, sort of fill in the blanks on some remarks I can't remember now.....

Several members over there posted how he helped them with alternator or hydroboost and made it sound like that justifies ripping off another member .... I wonder if the forum owners share this opinion.... is that how it is nowadays ?? BS....

and don`t forget HIS Christmas giveaway thread......short memories to go with their short _____
There was one member asking DB to post his side of the story. Well... here are 40+ pages of both sides of the story:


I would like to post the MG link at CF under the title “a heart warming story” all those Kool-Aid drinkers would be sure open the thread...I don’t think it would get through moderation.

It might be a good way to leave CF....make it worth it....:1st:

I would but I am in moderation...so anything I post must be aproved by a moderator...:(
There was one member asking DB to post his side of the story. Well... here are 40+ pages of both sides of the story:


I would like to post the MG link at CF under the title “a heart warming story” all those Kool-Aid drinkers would be sure open the thread...I don’t think it would get through moderation.

It might be a good way to leave CF....make it worth it....:1st:

I would but I am in moderation...so anything I post must be aproved by a moderator...:(

Well, we could all set up temporary accounts at C/F and drive around the neighborhood with our lap-tops, hi-jacking wi-fi i.p.'s and post the truth about DB....lol:stirpot::evil:
There was one member asking DB to post his side of the story. Well... here are 40+ pages of both sides of the story:


I would like to post the MG link at CF under the title “a heart warming story” all those Kool-Aid drinkers would be sure open the thread...I don’t think it would get through moderation.

It might be a good way to leave CF....make it worth it....:1st:

I would but I am in moderation...so anything I post must be aproved by a moderator...:(

Well, we could all set up temporary accounts at C/F and drive around the neighborhood with our lap-tops, hi-jacking wi-fi i.p.'s and post the truth about DB....lol:stirpot::evil:

Leave a link to DC. Then post a link at DC to VM. Then have a link at VM to MG. Then leave a link...............
What state does DB live in??

Someone tried a while back to lump everyone from Missouri in together. there are more than a couple of us that took exception to that. BullShark, kwplot34 and myself will not allow ourselves to be lumped in with that idiot. Ain't happenin' :goodnight: