Hey Red

Just another BS lie. I just don't know why this stuff goes sight unseen. It just boggles my mind. COULD be the venders there operate off the same BS truith spinning technology too.

the Chinese don`t care about protein producing (but deadly) melamine in baby formula why would the care about correctly machining aluminum cylinder heads?
I had a good laugh with the small print added to this.


Think I'll have to bump the boy to the top a few times.:bump::stirpot::stirpot:


sanitized and locked...did you really think they would leave your "little" bump in the road??

Wonder what the punishment was for Red and the superhero for not resolving the problem in the 5 days alotted? Apparently not banning since the hero is still on there every day since...but where is Red? Anyone heard from him lately?:tomato:

I believe they are both in moderation, exactly why they would punish red-69 is beyond me, but it must be KILLING one of them.
This guy is so full of shit. He also tried to sell them as Dart cast heads which they are not. They are Chinese castings, using the same design mold as the patriot, strike force, american eagle, superflow and all those other no name brands. Look at the flange shapes and all. You can spot these a mile away, they're all the same.

I wonder how Dart feels about someone telling people that there heads are the same Chinese castings!

Now, the bullshit story about bare castings needing machining. V-Twin back then pointed out the heads were ProComp heads and that they even have the laser engraving on the valve over flange, the COMPLETE product number denoting which exact heads these are: PC3002-0711-0689

Now, this is PROOF these are not bare castings. There is no machine shop who final machines these (and machining them in the US would push the price tag way beyond what these go for)...so this alleged machine shop gets his crate full of bare castings, then machines them himself and engraves the pro comp number in them?

That's one hell of a machine shop, taking the Dart heads and engraving the ProComp PN in them :rofl:

Now, there's some other stuff going on with those heads in his pic. Anyone took a closer look? Look at where the bolt holes are for the valve cover gaskets. They are not even close to center in the casting boss and on the manifold side they are almost against the side, no flesh left what so ever!!

Wow, that is REALLY lame. They can't even cast the valve cover seal area correctly? Who knows what other surprises are cast in!

I asked a question there a couple of days ago about some kool mat that a guy put in...I got a reponse "sha". which I'm assuming means stay the hell away?

"sha" : pick one:

SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SHA Strategic Health Authority (UK)
SHA State Highway Administration (Maryland)
SHA Short Handed Assists (hockey)
SHA Seattle Housing Authority
SHA Society for Historical Archaeology
SHA Sweet Home Alabama (movie and Lynyrd Skynyrd song)
SHA Secondary Heads Association (UK)
SHA Sacred Heart Academy (various in US)
SHA Swiss Humanitarian Aid (successor to Swiss Disaster Relief)
SHA School of Hotel Administration
SHA State Highway Account (California)
SHA System Hazard Analysis
SHA Shareholders Agreement
SHA Sample-And-Hold Amplifier
SHA Sidereal Hour Angle
SHA Sociedad Hebraica Argentina (Jewish Community Center, Buenos Aires)
SHA Subsystem Hazard Analysis
SHA Super High Aperture (Sharp Corporation)
SHA Salicylhydroxamic Acid
SHA State Health Agency
SHA American Shad (FAO fish species code)
SHA Safety Hazard Analysis
SHA Sight & Hearing Association (since 1939; Saint Paul, Minnesota)
SHA School of Hospitality Administration
SHA Sanford Housing Authority (Florida, USA)
SHA Summit Housing Authority (Summit County, CO)
SHA Sagamihara Housing Area (Japan)
SHA Hardware Address of the Sender
SHA Sandwich Hybridization Assay
SHA Sioux Honey Association (Sue Bee Honey)
SHA Station Housing Allowance
SHA Switch Homing Arrangement
SHA Shoqëria Anonime (Albania: corporation)
SHA Semester Hours Attempted
SHA Selbsthilfeorientierte Armutsbekämpfung (German: self-help-oriented poverty alleviation)
SHA Superior Hypophyseal Artery
SHA Soft Handoff Approach
SHA Solid Homogeneous Assembly
SHA Scientists Helping America (call for scientists to help in the fight against terrorism)
SHA Speed Headache Associates
SHA Shanghai, China - Shanghai International /Hongqiao/ (Airport Code)
SHA Scsi Host Adapter
SHA System Health Agent
...Scuse me, but, ---Wayne, I have never heard of any Australian manufacturers of fancy-ass SBC cylinder heads, can you enlighten us?...
It's been over ten years since I bought any "go-fast" bits in Australia but there certainly was (back then) manufacturers of some decent stuff.

I was a lowly member of the air force and didn't have much cashola so did most of my own mod work, at work - saved a lot of cash but still had some nice bits :thumbs:
Posted by Lethalassault:

These other guys prob had what was coming to them!

You read that Red? You had it comming, lethalassault says so. Damn straight, you deserve to be robbed out of 750$ so please stop whining about it. Dboy is holy, you are scum!
Posted by Lethalassault:

These other guys prob had what was coming to them!

You read that Red? You had it comming, lethalassault says so. Damn straight, you deserve to be robbed out of 750$ so please stop whining about it. Dboy is holy, you are scum!

I don't wanna get band over there, but I totally on Red's side, obviously....

some of them just have NO clue, must not be reading the threads, or WHAT??

That's why you only see the DB supporters, the non supproters are scared of getting banned when they add their couple of cents...well...apart from Chris & Josh(?)
There was one member asking DB to post his side of the story. Well... here are 40+ pages of both sides of the story:


Try posting that link or the TRUTH and see how far it gets you...I`m betting it would get you an all expenses trip to bannville. They don`t care whats true, they don`t care whats accurate, all they care about is post count....I do like the way when Red69 tried posting his complaint they locked the thread, but the lovefest thread posted by the Kool-Aid drinking sheep stays put.....personally I would like to see how many posts/threads they are down since he is in moderation...one might think IB would have paid off his debt for all the posts/thread he generates.
Posted by Lethalassault:

These other guys prob had what was coming to them!

You read that Red? You had it comming, lethalassault says so. Damn straight, you deserve to be robbed out of 750$ so please stop whining about it. Dboy is holy, you are scum!

I reported that post and said…”these other guys…like red69 who got scammed by db and is in moderation for it.” All it got me was moderation…:D
Several members over there posted how he helped them with alternator or hydroboost and made it sound like that justifies ripping off another member .... I wonder if the forum owners share this opinion.... is that how it is nowadays ?? BS....