My '76 restoration (long post)

Rear suspension kit installed :


Funny how things come full circle.
The differential was the only part that got transferred from the rotten frame to the donor frame without any restoration.
Back then I considered the state of the whole assembly good enough.

As I had to remove the cross member to drill it, I took the time to finally restore it. unsurprisingly, under the paint I found a lot of rust. As usual, I ground to metal, phosphoric acid treatment and POR15 coating.
Maybe some of you did notice, in my lastest picture you could see I was missing two bolt for the gas tank shield (top of picture).
I spotted them after posting, and now it's fixed.

I finished the back, installed long TA bolt.
The dual mount spring seems to be smaller than the single one, and I'm pleasantly surprised by how much clearance I get from the tire.

Then I had the chance to see expected stance of the car for the first time.

Driver side:



Passenger side:



The passenger side tire seems to stick out a little more.
It's been doing that since the beginning, I try not to worry about that, betting it would get resolved after an alignment and some rolling.
I did not take it into account when flaring, it's 1.4" on each sides.
You can loosen all the body mounts and push/pull the body left/right before getting that alignment done..... There's at least 10mm (3/8") slop in those holes.....
Then left/right will look fine..... Those flared fenders cover the 10" rims perfectly !!!!!
Old school !!!
You can loosen all the body mounts and push/pull the body left/right before getting that alignment done..... There's at least 10mm (3/8") slop in those holes.....
Then left/right will look fine..... Those flared fenders cover the 10" rims perfectly !!!!!
Old school !!!
Yeah, the thread it covered but can still see the bulging tire side sticking out :nuts:.
By the way, thank you. Those bolts are the one you gave me this spring.
Front suspension installed, glad those heavy and freaky coil are gone.



I've put the front at the desired height.



Driver side weatherstrip and striker pin installed.
I have to sand some area that actually had overbuild.
Once fixed, door closes nicely.



In the meantime I rehearsed the back window cut on the spare back clip.
I'm glad I did, the area is more complicated than it seems, and yeah I didn't bother reading the AIM, the spare part was there to be sacrified anyway.
It's been hanging in the garden for a couple of years to my SO's dismay.
No pictures, way to gory.
Now I feel prepared on the procedure.
It's like the front clip, it can take time until I decide to jump in.
It better turn out fine because there's no turning back anymore...




Most of the structural reinforcement of the window is still here.

VERY Nice Denis! I like the look. Glass - or Lexan? Removable, or permanent installation.


Cheers - Jim
Permanent glass so far.
I'd love something removable, but I didn't find a suitable hinge/lock combo and given the glass is much bigger, there is no such room anymore in the back to store it.
So changes are slim, but I'm open to suggestions.
Thanksgiving day off let me move forward on the rear window.
Made my plane checking tool in the usual ghetto fashion.


It's not bad already.




One touchy area it the bottom corner. I have to made a smooth curve to match the back subtle bulging.


Years ago, when I bought my front spoiler, I've been given a broken one in extra. Since this will probably be the more vulnerable part on the car, I'm proceeding to repair it and have it paint so I have a spare one ready just in case.


I managed to get a really good squeeze out of the resin, in the crack under the plastic wrap lay the most packed bit of fiber I ever laid, very few resin.
Once cured I'll do the real fixing, from behind. This glassing it more about ensuring the shape of the part stays right.
