I never make mistakes :confused2::footmouth:
The CIC flares are not perfect, they're actually kind of not really close - keep in mind that my flares were the 2nd set they ever produced and I knew that when I got them so it's not error but it does mean there will be a bit of re-sculpting... the benefit of that is I'd really have to work at it to need to have to re-mount the fenders....
I provide this as rationale.... not discussion, more to help someone see what choices are out there to bond fenders. If someone doesn't like what I'm doing... my advice is don't do it my way.
choices for bonding agent (beside fiberglass) 3m 8279, 3m 8219. I also didn't use 3m 8116 or other (e.g. evercoat) manufacturer's product.
I didn't use 8219 because it cures harder then the fiberglass, 8219 is the fast-cure version (35 minutes). With that said, 8219/8279 are fiberglass/fiberglass bond. 8115 also bonds to metal. 8116 is the fast cure version of 8115. It was designed for production line work for GM. There is a claim that it's not as strong, but, any damage that would make it break would destroy the panel as well so my opinion is it's kind of moot.
Evercoat vette bond is what a friend is using on his car, it's been discontinued - that said, I'm using Evercoat panel adhesive (which is not the same as Evercoat panel bond) as a filler once I get the first layers of fiberglass in place along with creating my own bonding strips for all the points where the panel is butt-jointed.
affixing during the drying process.... I don't know yet - I have the clecos, and if you dip them in wax, they won't stick to the glue... of course, you've now just introduced wax into a bare panel - so that will have to be dealt with... there will be a bunch of hole filling so my current thought is wax clecos, then when it's dry, countersink the hole to clean the wax out and give a good bond when I fiberglass the hole closed.