I should be further along, I'm not but at least the plumbing is fixed in my house.....edited
worked a bit on a bunch of things
fuel system
I don't know if it's a good idea or not.edited I hate the fuel smell of ss braided lines, so I'm using PTFE line.... which is great except the tank needs a vent.edited All I've found are either direct-open-to-atmosphere or are designed for 100 hp.edited So I've done it but I'm not convinced it's a good idea.editededited
In the roll-over valve I put a light spring to hold the ball against the vent.edited It can outgas under pressure from the cap, and draw through the vented (and filtered) roll over valve...edited
Got the tank out of the car
and pulled the metal shield out
so I could access the inner fenders and start cutting the fenders off
which lead me to an admirable ADD-level distraction when I found that heat did a wonderful job of lifting the paint enough to scrape off
then started working on fuel line and came to the conclusion that full -8 PTFE line would be a better choice so I ordered that
and the bend that caused the issues