Rookie's First Restoration Attempt...

My Bad During this 50 page thread he mentioned he used all thread for set up. And he will use the correct bolts as needed when everything is where he wants it. :)
I remember that now that you mention it. From the photo it's hard to tell if it's a bolt or all thread..... anyways, my point is... these seem to be like 14" long.... if you install a shorter 10" or 8" bolt it will raise the rear a lot.... the weight won't change that much even with tank and interior....
I hope he didn't end up with one of those springs that make the car look like a 4x4 with a lift kit....
It should all work out in the end. After he puts all the stuff back on and in the car he will add about 500 pounds or so. That is if you add the 128 pounds of fuel lol. But if not he will have more to tinker with. :)
I'd like to mention that everything I am doing is coming from Mike's brain. The man has more experience than ANYONE on any vette forum. Period.

I remember when I was getting poked at saying that the tires were going to be too small, and that I need spacers with my 10" wide rims. Mike said exactly the opposite. Guess who was right? Mike. The reason - more experience and a better eye (my god does he have a good eye).

I'm not trying to knock you guys for posting your concerns...but just remember, I have THE BEST corvette god helping me build this thing. He's done it all. Heck he does it all for a living. 30+ years.

Karsten, the all thread is for setup only. The spring I went with is not the one made by TRW (the 4X4 one). It is made by Hypercoil, it looks like the TRW spring. I have not heard any negative comments on it. If the car sits too high in the end, I can always swap it out for my stock big deal. You've gotta remember that I don't have anything in this car at the moment. No engine, tranny, fuel tank, interior, seats, door guts...I still have lots of weight to put in it.
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I fail to see how this is about being right or wrong. How you fit the rims and tires under the flares is personal preference and if you go back a few pages you'll find that we talked about personal preference and taste back then. Believe it or not, there are guys out there who run 255 tires with L88 flares and the rims 3-4" inboard of the fender lip - to each his own. If you like the tires 1 or 1.5" inboard that's fine. No sweat.... not everybody likes my sidepipes, my red interior or the loud exhaust on my C6... that's fine with me too. If we all had the same taste and preferences we would all have identical cars - boy would that be boring :)

About the suspension: I simply wonder how the car can sit at ride height with this long all thread (I'm guessing it's about 12" long) and then it's supposed to be at ride height with a 8" (6" is stock length) bolt. You're not adding THAT much weight back there - that's why I asked...
Maybe the spring is so soft that the little weight you're going to add is compressing it enough so that a 8" bolt fits. Hopefully.
I'm not trying to knock you guys for posting your concerns...but just remember, I have THE BEST corvette god helping me build this thing. He's done it all. Heck he does it all for a living. 30+ years.

Looks like we can all pack our bags and go home fellas!
I'm not trying to knock you guys for posting your concerns...but just remember, I have THE BEST corvette god helping me build this thing. He's done it all. Heck he does it all for a living. 30+ years.

I don't see anybody saying that Mike is wrong. People asking questions and discussing your setup is what's supposed to be going on on a forum. Did I miss negative comments that might have upset you ?
You forgot to drop on your knees and bow! We should all bask in the light emanating from this glorious build, the be all end all of all builds.

If there is one thing i learned, no one knows it all and there's always someone who's smarter than you or knows more than you.
I wouldn't worry that it may sit to high. After jacking my 82 up the car always has a high ride height until powerbraked just a bit, then it settles right down.
I did not mean to upset you guys or sound rude and cocky. I enjoy posting on here for all to see and comment, and will continue to do so. Later.
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Oh come on guys. Theres no need for sarcasm. This is a fun build and I for one am enjoying watching the progress. We are all capable and don't all take the time to post updates so lets just enjoy it. And remember as we all [should] know, written comments on a forum need be taken with a grain of salt, we don't get the benifit of being face to face so therefore things can get lost in the translation. :surrender:
Did home remodeling for some 25+ years, still at it, lightly....and one thing I learned is to NEVER give advice on decorating....

show me a stick of wood, a cabinet, a bathtub, a wall, and I do it....;

they ask me what color to paint it, I say 'purple with pink polka dots'....and I"m stone serious....done it dozens of time, the chicks just grin because they know I not going THERE, no matter what....

sorta like the same thing....

just wish I could find someone to make MY car look decent....

Did home remodeling for some 25+ years, still at it, lightly....and one thing I learned is to NEVER give advice on decorating....

show me a stick of wood, a cabinet, a bathtub, a wall, and I do it....;

they ask me what color to paint it, I say 'purple with pink polka dots'....and I"m stone serious....done it dozens of time, the chicks just grin because they know I not going THERE, no matter what....

sorta like the same thing....

just wish I could find someone to make MY car look decent....


Did home remodeling for some 25+ years, still at it, lightly....and one thing I learned is to NEVER give advice on decorating....

show me a stick of wood, a cabinet, a bathtub, a wall, and I do it....;

they ask me what color to paint it, I say 'purple with pink polka dots'....and I"m stone serious....done it dozens of time, the chicks just grin because they know I not going THERE, no matter what....

sorta like the same thing....

just wish I could find someone to make MY car look decent....



Just a statement about MY not getting involved on color/shape/style choices, on's not MY house, in the case of a client,,...and not MY car for anyone here....

The black parts I powdercoated. The grey parts I painted with Seymour cast blast.

Oh come on guys. Theres no need for sarcasm. This is a fun build and I for one am enjoying watching the progress. We are all capable and don't all take the time to post updates so lets just enjoy it. And remember as we all [should] know, written comments on a forum need be taken with a grain of salt, we don't get the benifit of being face to face so therefore things can get lost in the translation. :surrender:

I have to agree. We have all seen car build threads, and ohss and ahhs about tons of "bolt on" bling and widgets. This thread is showing "serious" skill and patience for a guy his age. I am completely jealous of his skill and determination on this. We all would love to have his time and patience to do this this well.
Mike has given Jeremy tons of advice and help for gratis, and if he wants to put him on a pedestal, so be it. He has earned it.
I think his gratitude towards Mike has been misconstrued, and taken out of context. We all have our "niche," and no one knows it all. BUT, I can tell you this, I would be thrilled to have Jeremy paint my car, anytime, anywhere.:)
I agree, we tend to forget that he's still a kid, (no offence Jeremy, I'm 51)

I told him a couples of times, I wish I had the kind of support he has from his parents and guidance from Mike to let him do that

In today's world, it's sure refreshing to see one of the kids go on the right track.

Maybe we wont learn from the technique he uses or how he does some of the things, (it's a been there done that situation) and some of us are learning from him.

But I for one will admit that this kid's determination is impressing me.

Oh and by the way, he can paint my car too.
Did home remodeling for some 25+ years, still at it, lightly....and one thing I learned is to NEVER give advice on decorating....

show me a stick of wood, a cabinet, a bathtub, a wall, and I do it....;

they ask me what color to paint it, I say 'purple with pink polka dots'....and I"m stone serious....done it dozens of time, the chicks just grin because they know I not going THERE, no matter what....

sorta like the same thing....

just wish I could find someone to make MY car look decent....


hahaha...I still can't figure out why my wife keeps asking me if I like this color or that polka dots dear....just buy the damn paint in the color that YOU like. I can barely dress myself without your help... jeez.

Car looks great Jeremy. It's coming together just the way you want it too. Stay with the plan you have set out for yourself and it will turn out perfect buddy. Sorry about the hood hinge.
Did home remodeling for some 25+ years, still at it, lightly....and one thing I learned is to NEVER give advice on decorating....

show me a stick of wood, a cabinet, a bathtub, a wall, and I do it....;

they ask me what color to paint it, I say 'purple with pink polka dots'....and I"m stone serious....done it dozens of time, the chicks just grin because they know I not going THERE, no matter what....

sorta like the same thing....

just wish I could find someone to make MY car look decent....


hahaha...I still can't figure out why my wife keeps asking me if I like this color or that polka dots dear....just buy the damn paint in the color that YOU like. I can barely dress myself without your help... jeez.

Car looks great Jeremy. It's coming together just the way you want it too. Stay with the plan you have set out for yourself and it will turn out perfect buddy. Sorry about the hood hinge.

:clap: OH CHRIST!! thanks for the very BEST laugh to tears of the day man....

that is EXACTLY what my wife does when we go ANYWHERE together....

she all picky and all, even going to the much maligned WalMart.....
