you want to see posers, go to a harley rally,,, 25 years ago it was about the bikes,,,, now its a freckn fashion show,,, My Last Daytona was in 93" saw the RUB's starting to appear,,,,(sic) now I enjoy rat bikes,,, and stickn evo's in old 4spd FL frames,,,that screws people up.. they have no clue what they are looking at......
That was one, among several, of the reasons I gave it up & sold my Harley a couple years ago. After over 30 years of riding them, it just wasn't the same. If I went on a "run" I ended up being embarassed to be seen with this modern crowd. It is embarrassing to me to even see these guys on the street today. Foot-dragging, "WestCoastChopper", do-ragged yuppy wanna-be's. Electric start computer ignition fuel injected middle aged pot bellied ponytailed tattooed clueless HD(copyright) fashion wearing punks screaming "Yeah! Right on, bro!" like tweenage girls when they hear 'Born to be Wild' & 'Freebird'. Acting like a bunch of hormonaly enraged 14 year olds whenever they see a pair of tits. Trailer their fuckin bikes to a motorcycle rally. Sleep in hotels. No fuckin clue to save their lives about how to fix a flat, rebuild a clutch, or even siphon gas. The bike, the clothes, the whole "lifestyle" is just a currently trendy fashion. Wouldn't know a UL from a Duo-Glide from an XLCH. "Lifestyle" my ass, you pathetic posers. Yeah I know I don't have to associate with them, & there are still a lot of hardcore genuine bikers out there. I had other reasons to put it aside besides that. But that was one of the reasons I gave up the motorcycle, & the "Harley Scene" in particular.
I'm perfectly happy with my old Chevy now, it suits me fine.
I still ride, but under the radar and alone like Dep, you said it like it is,,, we had to work hard to make the rallies with the e, el, WL's FL,, U, UL,,, we where greasey looking for a reason,,,,lol,,,mainly the repairs on the side of the roads,,,,,
Panheads never break down.:harhar:
They just run forever. Kick start only. I let one of those yuppie HD riders TRY and kick start mine. Great for a laugh.